File Format Requirement: Ensure your contact list is in a .CSV file format, which is essential for a successful import.
Utilizing Our Template: To reduce errors and ensure compatibility, download and use our sample contact form as a guide. This template outlines the correct formatting for your .CSV file and can be accessed by clicking the “contact file” hyperlink.
Selecting Your File: Click on “Choose Files” to locate and select the .CSV file containing your contacts.
Import Progress: Once you select your file, the system will begin the upload, and you’ll see an “Import in progress” notification.
Import Status: The platform provides real-time updates on the import, showing the number of contacts added and highlighting any issues.
Completing the Import: Upon completion, review the summary and then click “Import” to finalize the process.
Once the import is complete, all your contacts will be efficiently organized and readily accessible within the Inxeption Managed Store. This centralization of your contact database significantly enhances your ability to manage customer relationships and streamlines your business operations.
Bulk importing your contacts is a smart move to quickly integrate your existing network into the Inxeption Managed Store, thereby optimizing your overall contact management strategy.